Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Turbocharge Your detox diet

Acidulants, sweeteners and artificial coloring in snack foods; hormones in meats and processed salts ready spices do not leave the body as easily as you think. Accumulated in the liver, these substances are unable to be absorbed and overload the liver and intestinal work, causing headache, irritation, skin problems and allergies. Detoxifying diets try to send out these toxic elements, but should not be any meal to achieve those goals, experts warn.
With juices that mix fruits and vegetables, detox diets benefit much more gut than the liver, the body that accumulates toxins from processed foods, according to nutritionist Simone Biesek, teacher coordinator of the course Nutrition Unibrasil. “Today people no longer have a gut that works so well because of poor diet, and these diets include fibers that help in elimination. For the liver to be benefited, a week of detox juices is not enough, we need an overall reduction in processed foods, less alcohol, fried foods and trans fats, “she says.
Still include pineapple, cabbage, ginger and green tea, some of the main representatives of diets, the daily meals, accelerates metabolism and heart rate, causing a feeling of wellness in the body. “The most famous detox juices are green tea base and coconut water, and when we add cabbage, let it typically detoxifying. Still, the juices do not reach normally the caloric potential of a meal and should not be substitutes, but should accompany lunch or dinner, “adds nutritionist and healty in Nutrition and Dietetics from TECPUC, Silvia Spinelli.
Physical consequences
The excess of these intoxicating elements can cause damage to the body. According to Nutritionist Hospital Our Lady of Grace, Camila Caroline Przepiura, symptoms such as headaches and irritability can mean more than a little sick. “There are also cases of dermatitis and hives that are related to the accumulation of these xenobiotic substances, compounds that should not be present in the body,” he says.



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